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AbstractWith the price of oil and gas at all time high levels, methods of harvesting previously un-recoverable reserves are an extremely lucrative value proposition. These methods attract operators looking to increase production to take advantage of the current prices and to increase production for a higher revenue stream should prices fall in the future. The use of solid expandable tubulars can enhance production in mature and declining fields by:• Isolating perforations • Re-completing the well • Restoring wellbore integrity • Providing full pressure capability • Allowing for selected re-stimulation • Preventing casing collapse • Re-drilling or deepening the well • Attaining water shut off Compared to the alternate solutions of cement squeezes and casing patches, solid expandable tubulars provide a more concise and conductive method to field enhancement with a proven technology that • Is more reliable • Is more flexible • Has a higher pressure rating • Has increased longevity This paper will use case histories to demonstrate the increase in production achieved by isolating zones for the purpose of fracturing or which are now producing water. Case histories will also be used to illustrate how solid expandable tubulars enabled operators to isolate and later re-perforate zones to allow for stimulation of previously unproduceable zones.