The title complex displayed structural flexibility via photo-and thermal-isomerization reactions between three isomers: (mer-TP)Fe(CO)Cl 2 (A), unsym-( fac-TP)Fe(CO)-Cl 2 (B), and sym-( fac-TP)Fe(CO)Cl 2 (C). Irradiation of A at RT with 525 nm light selectively produces B, while at 0°C isomer C is formed with the intermediacy of B. UV−vis spectroscopy combined with TD-DFT calculations revealed the nature of the photoisomerization process. Kinetics of the thermal isomerization of C to B and B to A have been studied with 31 P NMR spectroscopy in CD 2 Cl 2 , and activation parameters were determined. Isomers A and B have been isolated and crystallographically characterized.
■ INTRODUCTIONThe ability of molecules to change their shape upon external stimuli opens a variety of potential applications as molecular switches or machines. 1 In particular, the use of light as the switching factor has recently gained much interest in broad contexts spanning from biological applications to material science. 2 In coordination chemistry, much attention has been focused on steering the properties of the transition metal by switching the conformation of a photoactive substituent appended to the ligand. In this way properties such as spin state of the metal can be tuned. 3 The opposite situation in which the photoevent within the coordination sphere of the metal dictates the conformational change of the ligand is much less common. Examples are the reversible phototriggered change of denticity of polyamine ligands accompanied by (de)coordination of an auxiliary ligand 4 and mer-fac-isomerization of octahedral complexes with tridentate ligands. 5 In the latter case the denticity of the isomerized ligand does not change; that is, there is no net formation or breaking of bonds, which can be beneficial when rigidity of photoswitches is desired. It is noteworthy that so far all the examples of photochemical metaldictated conformational change of the ligand proceeded on noble metal centers. As such, the discovery of base-metal complexes that reveal such behavior would enable the development of a new class of low-cost photoswitches.In the context of our studies on photochemical proton reduction, 6,7 we discovered that the iron complex (TP)Fe-(CO)Cl 2 (TP = bis[2-(diphenylphosphino)phenyl]-phenylphosphine) undergoes light-induced isomerization from the mer-to fac-coordination mode of the tridentate TP ligand, followed by a slow thermal reisomerization. Here, we report the synthesis and structural characterization of the title complex, photoisomerization, and kinetic studies of the thermal-isomerization reactions.
■ RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSynthesis and Characterization of (TP)Fe(CO)Cl 2 Complexes. (mer-TP)Fe(CO)Cl 2 (A) was synthesized in 92% yield by treating FeCl 2 ·4H 2 O with a stoichiometric amount of TP in a mixture of CH 2 Cl 2 and MeOH under an atmosphere of carbon monoxide in the dark. Spectroscopic analysis of A revealed the presence of a single carbonyl ligand, as evidenced by the IR absorption band at 1972 cm −1 , and a C s sym...