This article presents a theoretical analysis and discussion of the theory of gerotranscendence, formulated by Lars Tornstam (University of Uppsala, Sweden). The theory is presented as a meta-theory of ageing, as a theory of universal and general ageing processes. Ageing is seen as an urge (a drive) towards a less engaged posititon in the wordly life, moving towards a higher degree of transcendence, with a more cosmic outlook and another definition of reality. In this article the theory is discussed from another theoretical position; Ageing seen in a cultural gerontological perspective, as a varied culturally and historically situated phenomenon -differing in different times and different cultures. The theoretical perspective underlines that ageing is complex dialectical processes, an intertwined interplay between individual development and cultural change. The varied individual ageing processes are not seen as the result of «drives». In Western post-modern cultures the ageing processes are becoming manifold, often contradictory. Elderly present versions of the selves that are becoming complex, multiplied (multiple selves), acting at different scenes, stamped by varied cultural values, presenting mixed versions of activity and passivity, engagement and retractment, wordliness and transcendence.