,4bstraet: A large and diverse collection of vertebrate remains from the Campanian-Maastrichtian Allen Formation (Malargiie Group) a t the Bajo de Santa Rosa locality (Rio Negro Province, Argentina) is described hore. The vertebrates arc represented hv: chondrichthvans: di~iomvstid siluriform. le~isosteid, cf oercichthvid and titanosaurid dinosaurs. A now small salt,asaurine tit&saurid, I3onatitan reigigen. el sp. no"., is described. It is diagnosed by the following association of characters: 1) longitudinal groovo located an the suture between pariotals that continues posteriorly over the supraoccipital to the foramen magnum; 2) basisphcnoid tubera long and narrow; 3) dorsalto middle caudal vertebrae with deep oval to circular pits present on both sides of the prespinal lamina; 4) anterior caudal vertebra with spino-postzygapophysiat and spino-prezygapophysiai laminae; 5) neural arch of anterior caudals with deep interzygapophysial fossae with numerous pits; 6 ) anterior caudal vertebra with an accessom sub-horizontal lamina extendine from the antero-ventral oortion of the " postzygapophysis to the mid-portion of tho spino-prezygapophysial lamina; and finally, 7) anterior caudal vertobra with a prominent axial crest on the ventral surftaee of tho cerntrum. The first rocord of sphenodonts and cf carcharodontosaurid theropods is recognized for the upper Late Cretaceous ofpatagonia, as well as the earliest record of perichthylds (Pereiformes). The vertebrate record is mainly composed of terrestrial and freshwater tawa, but a few marine elements are found (olasmosaurids) indicating a marine influence during the deposition of the Allen hrmation in the arca of Baio de Santa Rosa. The vertebrate remains s u~~o r t a Cam~anian-and extra Patagonlan South Amencan records Key words: Late Cretdecous, osteichthyans, chondnchtllyans, anurans, turtles, sphenodonts, plesiosaur^, oph~d-ians, dmosaurs, Patagonla particular those of Argentina, is opening new windows, not only for the infornlation based on new taxa, but also for the evolutionary, paleobiogeographic, biochronoiogical, and compositional aspects of the Late Cretaceous continental assemblages which populated this continent. The fossil remains recovered fkom the CampanianMaastrichtian South American formations such as Los Blanquitos iSalta Province, Argentina; e.g., Powell, 1979,20031, Lecho (Salta Province, Argentina; e.g., Bonaparte & Powell, 1980; Chiappe, 19931 . , " ince, Argentina; e.g., Bonaparte et a;., Bonaparte, 1986a Bonaparte, ,1987 Bonaparte, , 1990 Bonaparte, , 1992 Bonaparte, , 1994 Bonaparte, ,2002 Baez, 1987; Broin, 1987;Albino, 1986 Albino, , 1994Cione, 1987; Salgado et al., 1997b), Loncoche (Mendoza Province, Argentina; e.g., Wichmann, 1927; Gonaaez Riga, 1999), Allen (Rio Negro and La Pampa, Provinces, Argentina; e.g., Powell, 1987b, Gasparini & Salgado, 2000 Salgado & Aspilicueta, 2000;Coria, 2001.), L a Colonia (Chubut Province, Argentina; e.g., Ardolino & Franchi, 1996; Albino, 2000 In addition, Campanian-Masstrichtian noiiSou...