This article investigates a modified circuit for multilevel converter based on cascaded basic units. The proposed circuit can be operated in both symmetrical and asymmetrical source configuration. The magnitudes of two dc source in basic units can be adopted for symmetrical and asymmetrical configuration. In the symmetrical configuration, the magnitude of the dc voltage source is identical for each unit. On the other hand, the values of the dc voltage source for basic units are unequal in asymmetrical configuration. In order to generate a large number of voltage levels with less number of components, several methods are suggested for determining the magnitude of dc voltage source. Comparison analysis proves that the suggested circuit needs less number of components, reduces power loss, and improves the efficiency of the inverter. Moreover, the standing voltage across the switches is acceptable compared with contemporary topologies. Simulation and experimental results for 15‐, 17‐, 23‐, and 31‐level inverters are analysed to validate the performance of investigated topology.