In this paper, by using the ideal theory in residuated lattices, we construct the prime and maximal spectra (Zariski topology), proving that the prime and maximal spectra are compact topological spaces, and in the case of De Morgan residuated lattices they become compact
topological spaces. At the same time, we define and study the reticulation functor between De Morgan residuated lattices and bounded distributive lattices. Moreover, we study the I-topology (I comes from ideal) and the stable topology and we define the concept of pure ideal. We conclude that the I-topology is in fact the restriction of Zariski topology to the lattice of ideals, but we use it for simplicity. Finally, based on pure ideals, we define the normal De Morgan residuated lattice (L is normal iff every proper ideal of L is a pure ideal) and we offer some characterizations.