X-ray tomography has been used to investigate the density variations in SiC joints formed using polymer pastes. It has been demonstrated that X-ray tomography provides accurate bulk density measurements and volumetric density gradients. The results suggest that the magnitude of the applied pressure after green state joining and the amount of polymer (polycarbosilane, PCS) in the joining pastes influence the green density of the joints. All joints are prepared and applied in air atmosphere and at room temperature. The green densities of the joints increase from 54% to 66% of theoretical with the increase of the applied pressure from ambient to 138 MPa. Highest joint density without applied pressure is achieved using paste containing 50 vol% PCS. Furthermore, allylhydridopopolycarbosilane-(AHPCS-) containing pastes resulted in higher densities at the joint-matrix interface, indicating infiltration of polymer into the matrix.