“…lolitus Mahunka, 1967 - Setae 2 a about two times longer than 1 b , setae ps 1 and ps 2 subequal, both strongly barbed in distal part… S. vitiosus Mahunka, 1964
- –Setae 1 b and 2 a subequal, setae ps 1 longer than ps 2 , both with small barbs throughout the setae (with no strong barbs in distal part).…S . myrmicinus Khaustov, 2015
- Setae f longer than h 1 or subequal.…22
- –Setae h 1 longer than f .…25
- Setae f longer than h 1 and c 2 .… S. ineptus Mahunka,
- –Setae f and h 1 subequal and shorter than setae c 2 …23
- Secondary transverse sclerotized line on poststernal plate absent, setae d more than four times longer than h 1 .… S. sibiriensis Khaustov, 2015
- –Secondary transverse sclerotized line on poststernal plate present, setae d at most three times longer than h 1 .…24
- Setae c 1 , c 2 and d heavily barbed and slightly thickened distally, setae 4 b less than three times longer than 4 a … S. crinitus Khaustov, 2015
- –Setae c 1 , c 2 and d not so heavily barbed and not thickened, setae 4 b more than five times longer 4 a … S. ellipticus Karafiat, 1959
- Setae 4 b long and reaching beyond posterior genital sclerite or posterior margin of the body…26
- –Setae 4 b not reaching beyond posterior genital sclerite… 32
- Setae h 1 subequal to or longer than ps 1 …27
- –Setae h 1 shorter than ps 1 …31
- All dorsal setae smooth or moderately barbed… S. iranicus Ebermann et al .,
- –All dorsal setae densely barbed…28
- Setae f similar to e and h 2 , strongly reduced… S. jaccoudi Mahunka, 1972
- –Setae f normal and well developed…29
- Setae 4 b twice as long as 4 a , setae ps 1 at least six times longer than ps 3 …S . lasiophilus Khaustov, 2015
- –Setae 4 b at least 2.5 times longer than 4 a , setae ps 1 at most three times longer than ps 3 …30
- Setae ps 1 and ps 2 subequal, setae 1 b and 2 a subequal, ap5 absent … S. punctatissimus Mahunka,
- –Setae ps 1 longer than ps 2 , setae 2 a longer than 1 b , ap5 present and well developed … S. tackei Willmann, 1942
- Setae h 1 two times longer than f , secondary transverse apodeme present, ap5 well developed, diffuse and joined with appo… S .