Although the future destination for manned space flight may not be well defined, the need for a near-surface, close-proximity astronaut maneuvering unit is necessary. The demand for an operational system capable of providing both translation and attitude control in a low-gravity environment will significantly improve the success of future manned space flight missions. The proposed Mobility Augmenting Jetpack with Integrated CMGs (MAJIC) is an augmented Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER) module with control-moment gyroscopes (CMGs). The addition of CMGs is advantageous in many ways because it increases the maximum allowable mission time, creates a stiffer work platform, and provides continuous control actuation for finer pointing precision. A closed-loop simulation has been developed for testing various control algorithms and configurations. NASA's Engineering DOUG Graphics for Exploration (EDGE) is used as a real-time visualization aid for the closed-loop simulation. An electromagnetic motion tracking system transmits accurate six degree-of-freedom (DOF) data for the user's head, torso, and arms. The tracking data is then used to render the real-time graphics. The closed-loop simulation, in conjunction with the aforementioned real-time visualization tools, demonstrates the CMG augmented MAJIC system outperforming its thrusters-only predecessor with respect to fuel consumption and attitude stability. With the potential for deep space missions growing, MAJIC provides an ideal near-surface, low-gravity, semi-autonomous upgrade for the current SAFER system.