The dis so ci a tion ki net ics of the nickel (II) com plexes of 4-methyl-4,7-diazadecanediamide (4-Me-L-2,2,2), 4,7-dimethyl-4,7-diazadecanediamide (4,7-N,N′-Me2-L-2,2,2), 4-ethyl-4,7-diazadecanediamide (4-Et-L-2,2,2), and 4-methyl-4,8-diazaundecanediamide (4-Me-L-2,3,2) have been stud ied at 25.0 °C and µ = 4.0 M (NaClO4 + HClO4) by the stopped-flow method. These re ac tions are spe cific-acid cat a lyzed; how ever, the rate con stants of these re ac tions do not de pend on the con cen tra tions of ace tic, chloro acetic, and dichloroacetic ac ids. At pH val ues be low 1.0, both the pro ton-assisted and the di rect protonation path ways make contri bu tions to the rates. The ra tios of the rate con stant of dis so ci a tion by the di rect protonation path way to the rate con stant by the pro ton-assisted path way for the com plexes in aque ous so lu tion were mea sured and discussed.