One of the most encumbering issues in RF MEMS resonators is spurious modes. The problem of spurious modes becomes more critical, when the ring type resonators are used. In the ring shape anchored contour mode disk resonator, for achieving a low serial resistance, the inner radius of the disk must be increased. This causes the spurious modes to become too close to the desired mode and degrade the operation of the resonator. In this work, spurious modes of before-mentioned device are introduced and their characteristics are evaluated by exact analytical approach. Based on those analytical approaches, we introduce two techniques for spurious mode suppression. The first technique is based on exciting the desired mode by proper electrode engineering and hence is an electrical approach. The second technique is reconfiguring of the anchor from a continuous ring to crossed ring segments and locating the segments on the phase discriminating lines to increase the insertion loss for spurious modes and decrease the losses for the fundamental mode. The final harmonic analysis verifies that the proposed techniques result a resonator with a pure frequency spectrum and spurious modes excluded over a very wide frequency range.