We investigate the scaling of cluster size with mass for our simulations of diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) clusters and dielectric-breakdown (DB) clusters of 10 particles grown on a square lattice, and DLA clusters of 10 particles grown off lattice. We [2] are among the most widely studied models for generating fractal growth patterns (for recent reviews, see, e.g. , [3,4]). Each of these models is a Laplacian growth process in which difFusing particles released from a distant boundary attach to the perimeter of a growing cluster. The essential difFerence between the models is a boundary condition [5].In on-lattice versions the diffusing particle undergoes a random walk on a lattice and particles in the cluster are represented by occupied (aggregate) sites on the lattice.In the DLA model the diffusing particles are terminated at the first surface site (unoccupied site adjacent to an aggregate site) that they contact. This surface site is then converted to an aggregate site. In the DB model the diffusing particles can diffuse through surface sites but are terminated at the first aggregate site they contact. The surface site immediately preceding this termination site in the difFusion process is then converted to an aggregate site. The DB boundary condition introduces an inherent surface tension [6,7]. In this sense, the DB model is more physically appealing than the DLA model, which has zero surface tension [8].An "ofF-lattice" Laplacian growth model has also been introduced [9]. In this model, the diffusing particle slides over fixed step lengths in free space until it first intersects the cluster. The difFusing particle is then moved back and is attached at its first point of contact with the cluster. We will follow convention and refer to this growth process as "off-lattice DLA. " However, this offlattice growth process more closely realizes the boundary conditions for the DB model, since the difFusing particle can difFuse along the "surface" of the cluster in each of these models.Much of the theoretical interest in the above models has been directed at determining precise numerical and algebraic estimates for the &actal dimension D [3,4]. OfFlattice DLA clusters are homogeneous self-similar fractals, with fractal dimension D 1.7 in d = 2, independent of cluster size (see, e.g. , [10,11] DB clusters and the on-lattice DLA studies suggest that large clusters are necessary to reveal the full behavior of the model [14]. It is generally believed that the differences between large-scale on-lattice and off-lattice DLA patterns are due to the underlying lattice anisotropy. However, as noted above, the kinetics of attachment implied by the boundary conditions are also difFerent in these two models. The role played by this difFerence has not been fully explored.Large-scale studies of on-lattice DB patterns are also useful for this purpose because the kinetics of attachment are similar to off-lattice DLA, but the diffusion process is confined to the underlying lattice. The possibility of signatures of the micros...