Javan Deer (Rusa timorensis de Blainville, 1822) is listed as the protected animal. Breeding effort should be conducted to conserve the Javan deer and can be developed into a business. The investment cost of deer captive breeding in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman Lampung is prohibitive, therefore, the research to determine the technical and financial feasibility was conducted. The method used was a cropping system for feed productivity analysis, and Net Present Value (NPV), Break Event Point (BEP), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) and Payback Period (PP) for analysis of investment criteria. The study showed that the productivity of feed 135.302 kg/year and daily consumption was 5,5 kg. Analysis with interest rate of 12 % revealed that the BEP value for deer volume was 817 deer, BEP deer price was Rp. 1.634.405.600, admission ticket was 1.634.406, the ticket price was Rp. 377.130/ticket. The volume of car parking services was 2.724.009 cars, BEP car price for parking was Rp. 3.570.130/car, the volume of motorcycle parking services was 4.086.014 BEP motorcycle of parking was Rp. 1.912.928. NPV was minus (3.987.612.310), BC/R 0, PP was 34 years. It concluded that although technically feasible, Javan deer breeding was not feasible financially. ABSTRAK Rusa Jawa Rusatimorensis (de Blainville,1822) termasuk satwa yang dilindungi, kegiatan penangkaran bertujuan menjaga kelestarian jenis dan penangkaran dapat dikembangkan menjadi bisnis. Biaya investasi penangkaran rusa Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman Lampung tergolong tinggi makadilakukan penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan teknis maupun finansial. Metode penelitian ialah sistem pangkas untuk analisis produktivitas pakan sertametode analisis kriteria investasi dengan pendekatan Net Present Value (NPV), Break Event Point (BEP), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) dan Payback Period (PP). Hasil analisis diketahui produktivitas pakan 135.302 kg/tahun, tingkat konsumsi 5,5 kg/ekor/hari. Analisis finansial dengansuku bunga 12% menunjukkan nilai BEP untuk volume rusa 817 ekor, BEP harga rusa Rp. 1.634.405.600, BEP volume karcis masuk 1.634.406 lembar, BEP harga karcis Rp. 377.130, BEP volume jasa parkirmobil 2.724.009, BEP harga Rp. 3.570.130, BEP volume jasa parkir motor 4.086.014, BEP harga Rp. 1.912.928. Nilai NPV minus (3.987.612.310), nilai B/C R 0, PP 34 tahun. Disimpulkan bahwa secara teknis usaha penangkaran rusa jawa layak namun secara ekonomi tidak layak Kata kunci : Manfaat, rusa, konservasi, penangkaran Tanggal diterima: 8 Agustus 2017; Tanggal direvisi: 28 Mei 2018; Tanggal disetujui: