Consider a field k of characteristic p > 0, G (r) the r-th Frobenius kernel of a smooth algebraic group G, DG (r) the Drinfeld double of G (r) , and M a finite dimensional DG (r) -module. We prove that the cohomology algebra H * (DG (r) , k) is finitely generated and that H * (DG (r) , M ) is a finitely generated module over this cohomology algebra. We exhibit a finite map of algebras θr : H * (G (r) , k) ⊗ S(g) → H * (DG (r) , k) which offers an approach to support varieties for DG (r) -modules. For many examples of interest, θr is injective and induces an isomorphism of associated reduced schemes. Additionally, for M an irreducible DG (r) -module, θr enables us to identify the support variety of M in terms of the support variety of M viewed as a G (r) -module.