The structure of scuttle fly communities in vegetative strata of a beech forest in the Montseny Natural Park (Catalonia, Spain) was compared. Window traps were used from March 1990 to March 1991. Relative abundance and species richness of scuttle flies were higher in the herb and shrub layers than in the canopy, while diversity was not significantly different between strata. Saprophagous species dominated in all strata, while the mycophagous and zoophagous species decreased with height. Herb layer was dominated by Megaselia pectoralis and M. subpleuralis. Shrub layer was dominated by M. pectoralis, M. pectorella, M. diversa, M. subpleuralis and M. superciliata. Canopy layer was dominated by M. pectorella, M. pectoralis, M. pusilla and M. diversa.