We present the first study of disordered jammed hard-sphere packings in four-, five-and sixdimensional Euclidean spaces. Using a collision-driven packing generation algorithm, we obtain the first estimates for the packing fractions of the maximally random jammed (MRJ) states for space dimensions d = 4, 5 and 6 to be φ M RJ ≃ 0.46, 0.31 and 0.20, respectively. To a good approximation, the MRJ density obeys the scaling formand c 2 = 2.56, which appears to be consistent with high-dimensional asymptotic limit, albeit with different coefficients. Calculations of the pair correlation function g 2 (r) and structure factor S(k) for these states show that short-range ordering appreciably decreases with increasing dimension, consistent with a recently proposed "decorrelation principle," which, among othe things, states that unconstrained correlations diminish as the dimension increases and vanish entirely in the limit d → ∞. As in three dimensions (where φ M RJ ≃ 0.64), the packings show no signs of crystallization, are isostatic, and have a power-law divergence in g 2 (r) at contact with power-law exponent ≃ 0.4. Across dimensions, the cumulative number of neighbors equals the kissing number of the conjectured densest packing close to where g 2 (r) has its first minimum. Additionally, we obtain estimates for the freezing and melting packing fractions for the equilibrium hard-sphere fluid-solid transition, φ F ≃ 0.32 and φ M ≃ 0.39, respectively, for d = 4, and φ F ≃ 0.19 and φ M ≃ 0.24, respectively, for d = 5. Although our results indicate the stable phase at high density is a crystalline solid, nucleation appears to be strongly suppressed with increasing dimension. * Electronic address: torquato@electron.princeton.edu 2