Since the 1990s, questions have arisen as to whether the release of ethanol‐blended fuel will inhibit natural attenuation of other gasoline constituents in groundwater. This study evaluated the hypothesis that ethanol affects hydrocarbon attenuation and whether the use of ethanol‐blended fuel alters the applicability of monitored natural attenuation (MNA) as an approach for managing risks at fuel‐release sites. Groundwater data from California's GeoTracker database were used to compare attenuation of benzene, toluene, methyl tert‐butyl ether (MTBE), and tert‐butyl alcohol (TBA) at sites with and without detections of ethanol. Excel‐based tools were developed to conduct attenuation evaluations on thousands of wells simultaneously. Ethanol was detected at least once in 4.5% of the wells and 0.6% of the samples of which it was analyzed. The distribution of Mann‐Kendall concentration trend analysis results and first‐order attenuation rates were essentially the same at sites with or without ethanol detections. Median plume lengths were shorter at sites where ethanol had not been detected compared to sites where ethanol was detected (36 vs. 43 m for benzene; 36 vs. 42 m for toluene; 43 vs. 52 m for MTBE; and 44 vs. 59 m for TBA). However, the distribution of plume lengths was similar irrespective of ethanol concentrations, suggesting other factors may influence plume elongation. Finally, while anaerobic ethanol degradation can result in methane generation, the distributions of methane concentrations were the same at sites with and without ethanol detections. These results suggest that the use of ethanol‐blended fuel should not limit the application of MNA at most biodegrading fuel‐release sites.