INTRODUCTION: The thiol (SH) groups present in human blood plasma play an important role in the oxidative/antioxidative homeostasis of the organism. They are susceptible to the adverse actions of different exo-and endogenous factors. Chronic exposure to different xenobiotics, e.g. nitrogen-containing compounds commonly occurring in food, is especially important. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of acrylamide (ACR) and sodium nitrates (SN)-(V) and (III)-on the plasma antioxidant properties, as reflected by changes in the SH group levels. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The concentration of SH groups was measured by Ellman's method in blood plasma derived from 62 young people (in vivo model; time t0), and after 1 hour of blood plasma incubation with appropriate ACR and SN (III) concentrations (ex vivo model; time t1). The concentrations used corresponded with their daily intake (DIA-daily intake of acrylamide, and DIN-daily intake of sodium nitrates (V) and (III), respectively), estimated on the basis of a nutritional questionnaire. RESULTS: In both models, acrylamide and nitrates caused a significant decrease in SH group concentrations, but ACR induced stronger changes. The women consumed a greater amount of these nitrogen-containing compounds compared to the men, probably due to their different dietary habits. CONCLUSIONS: The obtained results indicate that these nitrogen-containing xenobiotics are important agents lowering antioxidative plasma potential, hence their intake should be controlled. KEY WORDS acrylamide, sodium nitrate (III) and (V), daily intake, thiol groups, antioxidant potential STRESZCZENIE WSTĘP: Grupy tiolowe (SH) obecne w osoczu krwi odgrywają ważną rolę w oksydacyjno-antyoksydacyjnej homeostazie organizmu. Są one podatne na niekorzystne działanie różnych czynników egzo-i endogennych. Szczególnie istotnym problemem jest długotrwałe narażenie na różne ksenobiotyki, np. związki zawierające azot, powszechnie występujące w żywności. Celem naszych badań była ocena wpływu akrylamidu (acrylamide-ACR) i azotanu sodu (sodium nitrate-SN)-(V) i (III)-na właściwości przeciwutleniające osocza poprzez pomiar stężenia grup SH.