A two-step purification protocol was used in an attempt to separate the constitutive NAD(P)H-nitrate reductase INAD(P)H-NR, pH 6.5; EC activity from the nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide (NO(X)) evolution activity extracted from soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaflets.Both of these activities were eluted with NADPH from Blue Sepharose columns loaded with extracts from either wild-type or LNR-5 and LNR-6 (lack constitutive NADH-NR [pH 6.51) mutant soybean plants regardless of nutrient growth conditions. Fast protein liquid chromatographyanion exchange (Mono Q column) chromatography following Blue Sepharose affinity chromatography was also unable to separate the two activities. These data provide strong evidence that the constitutive NAD(P)H-NR (pH 6.5) in soybean is the enzyme responsible for NO(X) formation. The Blue Sepharose-purified soybean enzyme has a pH optimum of 6.75, an apparent K. for nitrite of 0.49 millimolar, and an apparent K. for NADPH and NADH of 7.2 and 7.4 micromolar, respectively, for the NO(X) evolution activity. In addition to NAD(P)H, reduced flavin mononucleotide (FMNH2) and reduced methyl viologen (MV) can serve as electron donors for NO(X) evolution activity. The NADPH-, FMNH2-, and reduced MV-NO(,) evolution activities were all inhibited by cyanide. The NADPH activity was also inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, whereas, the FMNH2 and MV activities were relatively insensitive to inhibition. These data indicate that the terminal molybdenum-containing portion of the enzyme is involved in the reduction of nitrite to NO(X). NADPH eluted both NR and NO(X) evolution activities from Blue Sepharose columns loaded with extracts of either nitrate-or zero N-grown winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus [L.]), whereas NADH did not elute either type of activity. Winged bean appears to contain only one type of NR enzyme that is similar to the constitutive NAD(P)H-NR (pH 6.5) enzyme of soybean.It has been shown that the predominant compound evolved from soybean leaves during the purged in vivo NR3 assay is nitric oxide (NO) with trace amounts of nitrous oxide (N20) and 'Supported by an American Soybean Association research grant, project number 84953.