ecosystem connectivity is an essential consideration for marine spatial planning of competing interests in the deep sea. Immobile, adult communities are connected through freely floating larvae, depending on new recruits for their health and to adapt to external pressures. We hypothesize that the vertical swimming ability of deep-sea larvae, before they permanently settle at the bottom, is one way larvae can control dispersal. We test this hypothesis with more than 3 × 10 8 simulated particles with a range of active swimming behaviours embedded within the currents of a high-resolution ocean model. Despite much stronger horizontal ocean currents, vertical swimming of simulated larvae can have an order of magnitude impact on dispersal. these strong relationships between larval dispersal, pathways, and active swimming demonstrate that lack of data on larval behaviour traits is a serious impediment to modelling deep-sea ecosystem connectivity; this uncertainty greatly limits our ability to develop ecologically coherent marine protected area networks. Many ocean bottom dwelling species release their larvae into the water column to be recruited into the local population and spread further afield to support remote populations and colonize new sites. During transit, larvae may exhibit a range of behaviours to maximize their immediate survival (finding food and avoiding predation) and their long-term survival (finding a spot to settle). An understanding of larval pathways and downstream colonization informs studies of natural and man-made networks, feeds into the design of Marine Protected Area networks, and ultimately impacts how the marine environment is used 1. The connectivity of marine ecosystems is fundamental to survival, growth, spread, recovery from damage, and adaptation to changing conditions on ecological and evolutionary timescales 2-4. The benefits of connectivity information for conservation management is supported by empirical evidence 5,6. Marine connectivity knowledge is rapidly expanding, with recent seascape genetics approaches that combine particle tracking with genetic techniques 7-10. Direct evidence of deep sea population connectivity, through tagging and tracking, is exceedingly rare; indirect estimates of connectivity by genetic methods, elemental fingerprinting, or particle modelling are essential tools. Particle modelling simulates the tracks of larvae within a hydrodynamic model. In the deep sea, this approach is limited to relatively few studies 11-16. Modelled connectivity and dispersal estimates depend on larval life history traits. For fish species, pelagic larval duration (PLD) shows a direct correlation with habitat depth 17. However, fewer than 100 species living deeper than 200 m have published PLD estimates; over 80% of these are echinoderms on sedimentary slopes 18. In addition to PLD, dispersal depth is also a critical parameter 15,19. However, for both parameters there are large uncertainties in both their values and interactions, and there are even potentially more parameters to s...