A highly active nitric oxide reductase was purified from Paracoccus denitrificans ATCC 35512, formerly named Thiosphaera pantotropha, which was anaerobically cultivated in the presence of nitrate. The enzyme was composed of two subunits with molecular masses of 34 and 15 kDa and contained two hemes b and one heme c per molecule. Copper was not found in the enzyme. The spectral properties suggested that one of the two hemes b and heme c were in six-coordinated low-spin states and another heme b was in a five-coordinated high-spin state and reacted with carbon monoxide. The enzyme showed high cytochrome c-nitric oxide oxidoreductase activity and formed nitrous oxide from nitric oxide with the expected stoichiometry when P. denitrificans ATCC 35512 ferrocytochrome c-550 was used as the electron donor. The V max and K m values for nitric oxide were 84 mol of nitric oxide per min/mg of protein and 0.25 M, respectively. Furthermore, the enzyme showed ferrocytochrome c-550-O 2 oxidoreductase activity with a V max of 8.4 mol of O 2 per min/mg of protein and a K m value of 0.9 mM. Both activities were 50% inhibited by about 0.3 mM KCN. (4,5,20,22), the NO reductase of the bacterium remains poorly characterized. NO, which is one of the reaction intermediates in the denitrification process (15,29), is chemically active and toxic to living cells. However, the concentration of NO in denitrifiers is stabilized only at the nano-or subnanomolar level because of the active consumption by NO reductase (12,30). NO reductases have been purified from only two kinds of denitrifying bacteria, Pseudomonas stutzeri (14, 17) and P. denitrificans ATCC 19367 (NCIB 8944) (6, 9). Both enzyme molecules contain protoheme and heme c and catalyze the reduction of NO to N 2 O in artificial electron-donating assays using phenazine methosulfate-ascorbate or 2,3,5,6-tetramethylphenylenediamine-ascorbate-horse cytochrome c. However, the physiological electron pathway to NO has not been reconstituted in vitro.
Paracoccus denitrificansWe describe here a simple purification of NO reductase from P. denitrificans ATCC 35512 by using sucrose monocaprate (SM-1080) as a solubilizing detergent. The purified enzyme showed a subunit structure and spectral properties similar to those of cb-type NO reductases. Furthermore, the enzyme was very stable in the presence of the detergent and oxygen and showed not only cytochrome c-NO reductase activity but also cytochrome c-O 2 reductase activity when P. denitrificans ATCC 35512 cytochrome c-550 was used as the electron donor. We succeeded in reconstituting the electron transport from physiological cytochrome c to NO catalyzed by NO reductase.
MATERIALS AND METHODSOrganisms and cultivation. P. denitrificans ATCC 35512 was anaerobically cultivated as previously described by Robertson and Kuenen (21), with some modifications. The bacterium was grown at 37ЊC in a medium containing (per liter) 1.36 g of CH 3 COONa ⅐ 3H 2 O, 3.26 g of KNO 3 , 0.8 g of K 2 HPO 4 , 0.3 g of KH 2 PO 4 , and 0.4 g of MgSO 4 and a trace amount ...