How would you……describe the overall signifi cance of this paper? This article highlights synthesis of a variety of carbon nanotube structures and graphene, and discusses the widespread use of these carbon-based nanostructures in electronics, sensor, fi eld emission, and energy-related applications.…describe this work to a materials science and engineering professional with no experience in your technical specialty? Carbon nanostructures, especially single-wall and multi-wall carbon nanotubes and graphene, have attracted a myriad of applications due to their exciting electronic, chemical, and mechanical properties. An overview of synthesis and applications of these structures will facilitate better understanding of the current situation and promote future research directions.
…describe this work to a layperson?One-dimensional carbon nanotube and two-dimensional graphene have huge specifi c surface area, exceptional electronic and photonic properties, exciting sensing capabilities, and are known as very high-strength materials. These properties were useful in inviting new device applications in many fi elds-from smaller and faster electronic gadgets to new types of sensors and high potential energy storage devices. This article presents a summary of many such applications.A wide variety of carbon nanostructures, from zero-dimensional fullerene through one-dimensional carbon nanotube to two-dimensional graphene, have attracted attention of scientifi c community worldwide for their exciting properties. Carbon-based nanomaterials have found applications in a vast fi eld -electronics, sensors, biotechnology, energy, structural, etc. We have concentrated our effort in developing new engineering nanomaterials (graphene, carbon nanotubes) and their device applications in the fi eld of energy generation and storage, nanoelectronics, and bio-electronic sensors. This article aims to capture those recent research efforts in synthesis and applications of carbonbased nanomaterials.
synthesis of nanoMaterials
Large Scale Graphene Synthesis using Thermal Chemical Vapor DepositionGraphene, the two-dimensional carbon nanostructure, is being considered as a promising next generation material owing to its unusual properties like high carrier concentration and mobility, good mechanical and thermal properties, extraordinary optoelectronics properties, etc. Graphene can be directly synthesized on transition metal surface (metal foil) or transition metal thin fi lm using the thermal chemical vapor technique. Graphene research, in our lab, is concentrated on growth of graphene over a wide range of transition metals, and thin fi lms, of size from 1 cm × 1 cm up to as large as 16 cm × 6 cm and their application in energy and electronics. During graphene growth, both metal foils (Ni and Cu, thickness ~ 50-200 mm) and thin fi lms (Ni and Cu, 300-500 nm thick) were used as substrate. For the latter context, Ni and Cu thin fi lms were deposited on SiO 2 /Si substrates using RF magnetron sputtering system and Ebeam evaporation. Before s...