Equally, plants possess signal transduction networks that are highly conserved in terms of components which are also as sophisticated as that in their mammalian counterparts. 2 In the resting (un-stimulated) state, the cytosolic free Ca 2+ concentration [Ca 2+ ] cyt is ~200 nM and most of the cellular calcium is sequestered in cytoplasmic organelles such as the vacuole (100 mM), endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (1 mM), or the cell wall (1 mM). 3 This difference of many orders of magnitude in free Ca 2+ concentrations between the cytoplasm and cytosolic compartments creates a large electrochemical Ca 2+ gradient (200-300 mV), across the plasma membrane (PM), ER, and tonoplast that favours the energy-independent (downhill) movement of Ca 2+ into the cytosol (influx). This movement is controlled by a diverse set of specialized Ca 2+ channels and pores. Conversely, the movement of Ca 2+ against this electrochemical gradient, from the cytoplasm into the stores (efflux), is energy-dependent, and, requires ATP or proton motive force and is provided by specialized Ca 2+ -ATPase pumps. Both types of proteins, channels and pumps, are abundant in the PM and tonoplast and also occur in the ER, mitochondria and chloroplasts. 3,4 The channels that are responsible for Ca 2+ influx into the cytosol are gated by either voltage, stretch, inositol triphosphate (IP3), cADPR or G-proteins. Ca 2+ -mediated signaling takes place when some of these channels open, allowing Ca 2+ to move down the electrochemical gradient. 4 2+ or Ca 2+ fluxes function in many biochemical and processes including: red light, abscisic acid, gibberellin, salinity/drought, hypo-osmotic stress, touch, cold, heat shock, and nodulation factors. 6-8 Moreover, Ca 2+ fluxes play a pivotal role in developmental and physiological processes such as: egg cell fertilisation, 9 pollen tube elongation, 10 circadian rhythms, 11 oxidative stress 12,13 and pathogen infection. 14 The ability of a plant cell to differentiate among various Ca 2+ signals to activate the correct set of cellular responses is intriguing. Each signal creates its own Ca 2+ fingerprint that is unique in the lag period, frequency and amplitude of the Ca 2+ wave, and its spatial distribution. The targets of Ca 2+ signal transduction can be divided into two categories: primary sensors and downstream substrates. Phosphorylation cascades regulated by protein kinases [Plant Signaling & Behavior 4:3, 191-196; March 2009]