. J . Chem. 63, 3226 (1985).Correlations between nuclear magnetic resonance shifts and atomic charges of nitrogen in selected alkylamines, nitroalkanes, isonitriles, and azines consistently follow the general trends observed for carbon and oxygen nuclei. In azines, any increase in total electronic population on nitrogen, resulting from a gain in -rr charge prevailing over a concurrent loss of o electrons, is accompanied by an upfield resonance shift-as found for aromatic and ethylenic carbon and carbonyl oxygen atoms. On the other hand, any gain in total charge dictated by that of a populations translates into a downfield '% shift, which is the trend exhibited by alkylamines, nitroalkanes, and isonitriles-a situation encountered earlier with sp3-hybridized carbon, carbonyl carbon, and dialkyl ether oxygen atoms. Introduction Correlations between atomic charges and nuclear magnetic resonance shifts have become best known for I3C and "0 nuclei ( 1 , 2): in some cases they are excellent (albeit not free from conceptual difficulties) (3-5) and of considerable help in the accurate evaluation of charge effects governing molecular energies (2, 6). Unfortunately, no corresponding information is presently available for I5N nuclei-a problem attacked here with a critical examination of possible charge-shift correlations for nitrogen atoms.Indeed, a theoretical analysis of the nuclear magnetic shielding of I5N in a well-diversified variety of compounds (amines, azines, etc.) reveals that the changes in total shielding are almost entirely dictated by those of the local paramagnetic contribution (i.e., Au,,,,, = AuEL:r'), in a range covering -400 ppm (7). This result suggests possible correlations between "N nmr shifts and atomic charges which, of course, are essentially local in character. The fact, however, that Au,,,,, = AUK:;' holds true for different types of N atoms does not imply that all of them are covered by a single charge-shift relationship. The nature of the latter depends, indeed, on the way AuE: : ' varies with a change in local electron density, hence the reason for distinguishing N atoms belonging to different classes of compounds.