ZusammenfassungUreaform (UF) is a condensation product between urea and formaldehyde consisting of short chains from methylene-diurea to tevamethylenepenlama. The rate of nitrogen release is mainly related to chain solubility. The mineralization of UF is governed by microbial activity. A wide spectrum of organisms is known to be involved. The degradation is mainly influenced by the biological fertility of the soil, temperature and to a limited degree by moisture, whereas pH and panicle size have no pronounced effect. The imponance of the activity index (A.I.) as a unit to evaluate the quality of an UF product and the versatility of the UF system in general are discussed. More recent uial results with UF products show the beneficial effects of the particular kind of slow release nitrogen fertilizer in meeting needs for improved fertility management and reduced pollution of drainage waters. K.W., 1.C. Thomas, and R.L. Duble (1982): Nitrogen source effect on nitrate and ammonium leaching and runoff losses from greens. Agronomy Journal 7 4 947-950.