We have established ac onvenient method for the base-promoted direct amination of b-unsubstituted 5,15-diazaporphyrins (DAPs) with secondary and primary amines to produce 3,7,13,17-tetraamino-and 3-amino-DAPs,r espectively,r egioselectively.T he amino groups attached at the periphery cause significant red shifts of the absorption bands as aresult of their perturbation of the HOMO and/or LUMO in the DAP p-system. The palladium complex of a3 ,7,13,17tetrakis(diphenylamino)-DAP generated singlet oxygen in high yield under irradiation with near-infrared light.Recently,considerableattentionhasbeenpaidtoporphyrin-Scheme 1. Synthesis of amino-DAPs. a) Nitration (to 2M-NO 2 )o r bromination (to 2M-Br); b) reduction (from 2M-NO 2 to P1)orN ÀC cross-coupling (from 2M-Br to P2); 3-NiDAP = 10,20-dimesityl-5,15diaza(nickel)porphyrin-3-yl. c) Base-promoted direct substitutionw ith amines (this study).Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.