An original method based on CEC has been developed for the determination of aromatic and terpenic compounds in extracts of spices obtained from Piper nigrum. The method is based on the use of a fused silica capillary (effective length: 23.5 cm, internal diameter: 100 microm) packed with a C18 sorbent (packing length: 23 cm, particle size: 5 microm). The mobile phase is a 50 mM, pH 6.0 ammonium acetate/ACN (10:90 v/v) mixture. Applying a 30 kV voltage, the following 11 compounds were separated and analysed: terpinen-4-ol, caryophyllene oxide, limonene, alpha-pinene, 3-carene, beta-pinene, alpha-humulene, beta-caryophyllene, alpha-phellandrene, eugenol and piperine. Compound determination is carried out using a diode-array detector set at 265 and 338 nm for alpha-phellandrene and piperine, respectively, and at 210 nm (reference subtraction at 282 nm) for all the other analytes. The optimised method has been validated with good results in terms of linearity, limits of quantitation, detection and precision. The CEC method was successfully applied to the analysis of essential oils and methanolic extracts of 'black', 'white' and 'green' pepper.