Temporal and spatial variation in nitrogen fixation activity in the eelgrass Zostera marina rhizosphere Karen J. ~c~l a t h e r y ' r * , Nils R i s g a a r d -P e t e r s e n 2 , Peter Bondo christensen2 ABSTRACT: A perfusion technique for measuilng nitrogen fixation in the eelgrass rhizosphere was developed and used to investigate the patterns and controls of nitrogen fixatlon in sediment cores containing live eelgrass Zostera marina plants collected from the Limfjord, Denmark. Detailed temporal and spatial patterns of acetylene reduction were consistent with the hypothesis that heterotrophic n~trogen fixation In the eelgrass rhizosphere is stimulated by organic root exudates denved from plant photosynthesis. Nitrogen fixation activlty was approximately 3 x higher in vegetated than unvegetated sediments, and showed strong seasonal patterns and differences in light-dark incubations that corresponded to variations in plant productivity. Rates in both the light and dark were lowest in the winter months, and increased steadily through the sprlng and summer to a peak actlvity in August that coincided with the maximum eelgrass aboveyround biomass. Light-incubated cores had significantly higher rates (25 to 4 0 ' ' , > ) than those incubated in the dark during the growth season, and this difference was greatest during the summer months when plant productivity was highest. Nitrogen fixat~on activ~i y aiso snowed strong (5-ioidj spatial vanation with depth in the eelgrass root zone, with highest rates corresponding to the largest root+rhizome biomass and correlating with seasonal changes in belowground biomass distribution. Additions of glucose or NH,' showed that the nitrogen-fixing bacteria were llnuted by organic substrate and were not sensitive to NH,+ concentrations. Molybdate additions indicated that sulfate reducers were responsible for about 25% of the nitrogen fixation activity in the eelgrass rhizosphere. Overall, daily nitrogen fixation rates integrated to a depth of 14 cm in the sediment (1 to 6 mg N m-' d.') were comparable to rates measured in other temperate seagrass meadows, but were lower than those determined for troplcal seagrass beds