SUMMARYExtracts from aerobically grown cultures of tbe unicellular cyanobacterium Gloeothece (Nageli) sp. ATCC 27152 converted relaxed ColEl plasmid cccDNA into a supercoiled form. Tbey tberefore contained a DNA gyrase. However, wben DNA gyrase was inhibited, tbese same extracts catalyzed a net relaxation of ColEl DNA, implying tbat tbey also contained an enzyme similar to DNA topoisomerase I. During tbe first 2 b after transfer of aerobically grown cultures of Gloeothece to an atmospbere of Oj, tbe ability of extracts to generate supercoiled DNA was temporarily lost. Instead, extracts catalyzed net relaxation of ColEl DNA during tbis period, wbicb coincided witb a transient inbibition of nitrogenase syntbesis. O^ and some related compounds also inbibited DNA supercoiling by extracts of Gloeothece in vitro. As in otber diazotropbs tberefore, O^ may inbibit nitrogenase syntbesis in Gloeothece by altering tbe relative activities of DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase I in sucb a way tbat relaxation of one or more of tbe nif genes may occur, witb consequent inbibition of transcription. However, tbis effect is only transient. In contrast, addition of NH/ to cultures of Gloeothece permanently inbibited nitrogenase syntbesis and did not abolisb tbe ability of extracts to catalyze net supercoiling of DNA. Moreover, NH^* did not abolisb DNA supercoiling in vitro. NH^* tberefore appears to inbibit nitrogenase syntbesis in Gloeothece by a mecbanism different from tbat of O^.