The cover picture shows dendrimer-encapsulated Pd nanoparticles (NPs), anchored within a continuous-flow microreactor, that efficiently catalyze the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling (SMC) of iodobenzene and p-tolylboronic acid. The different dendrimer generations employed in this study are represented by the size and the ramification of the trees. Pd NPs are entrapped within the trees along the shore, which is "washed" by the river, symbolizing the laminar flow within the microreactor. In their Full Paper, R. Ricciardi et al. show the influence of the dendrimer generation on the catalytic activity of the Pd NPs.The article highlighted by this cover can be found on p. 936 ff. of Issue 6, 2015.The inside cover picture shows the pivotal role of ultrasound and microwaves in the one-pot preparation of a lead-free Pd-catalyst for selective hydrogenation. In their Full Paper, Z. Wu et al. show that sonication in the presence of a capping agent and reduction by microwave heating gives monodisperse Pd nanoparticles supported on boehmite. The catalyst is approximately seven times as active as a commercial Lindlar catalyst per unit of Pd mass taken, and only 6 % (at 95 % conversion) less selective towards semi-hydrogenation. This investigation was performed by the Universities of Turin (Italy) and Hull (UK) in collaboration with DSM Nutritional products Ltd, Basel (Switzerland) and was funded by the FP7 project MAPSYN.The article highlighted by this cover can be found on p. 952 ff. of Issue 6, 2015.