The performance of three pumice-woodchip packed stormwater biofilter (PWSWBF) systems with three packing volume ratios of pumice to woodchip (1:2, 1:1 and 2:1) were compared. The results show that the PWSWBF system packed with a lower percentage of woodchip attained a higher removal efficiency of TCOD, TN, NH-N and TP, whereas all three systems completely removed nitrate. The highest removal efficiencies for TCOD, TN, NH-N, NO-N and TP were 95%, 70%, 86%, 100% and 100%, respectively. In the biofilter with a lower percentage of woodchip, the pollutants that get removed through aerobic biological processes were removed more significantly, which is attributed to less oxygen depletion via woodchip decomposition, which is common under wet conditions. Nitrate was significantly removed via denitrification in all three systems, indicating that the woodchip that occupied one-third of the main media was sufficient for denitrification, and also that the oxygen condition inside the column was proper for denitrification to proceed. A smaller amount of woodchip as the packing material also mitigated the adverse effect of the release of organics from the media during the initial period. In addition, the system showed very good buffering capacity, in that the outflow pH was constant within the optimal range for microorganism growth.