Studies show that aquatic plants are an efficient alternative to minimize the harmful effects of wastewater. Two species of aquatic macrophytes (Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes) were chosen to evaluate the temperature effect on the performance of these macrophytes species in a post-treatment system of swine wastewater. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Toledo, Paraná State, Brazil. For the experimental system, 24 concrete tanks with 80 L capacity were used, each measuring approximately 1.5 m in length, 0.25 m in width and 0.16 m deep. Wastewater characteristics and variables hydrogen potential (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), and dissolved oxygen (DO) were measured weekly. After, we analyzed the aquatic macrophytes and centesimal composition. The use of aquatic macrophytes was efficient for final swine wastewater polishing. Nitrogen removal showed higher efficiency in the summer period for both species studied. The abiotic variables (pH and EC) presented better results during the winter for both species evaluated. Air and wastewater low temperatures did not influence these variables. Dissolved oxygen presented better results in the summer period for E. crassipes species. There was a significant increase in N and P contents in the plant tissue.This fact proves that the use of aquatic macrophytes is an interesting alternative for swine wastewater treatment.