N itroglycerine (GTN) is one of the oldest and yet most commonly used drugs in the therapy of cardiovascular patients. Pharmacologically, GTN is a prodrug that undergoes metabolization within the mitochondrial matrix (1) to release nitric oxide or a nitric oxide-containing compound. Several aspects of GTN pharmacology remain incompletely understood. Of importance, we recently documented that exposure to GTN causes a rapid increase in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production (2), and it has been shown that this may depend on the uncoupling of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (3). Furthermore, we recently demonstrated that this GTN-triggered ROS production is responsible for GTN-induced ischemic preconditioning (a short-term beneficial effect of GTN-induced ROS) (4) and GTN tolerance occurring in concert with the development of endothelial dysfunction (a long-term toxic effect of GTN-derived ROS) (5). It has also been demonstrated that opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) is critical in GTN-induced preconditioning (4). Because mPTP opening causes depolarization of the mitochondrial inner membrane (6), a direct effect of GTN on the mPTP may represent a mechanism for GTN-induced ROS production. Importantly, mPTPs are, in turn, opened by ROS (7) BACKGROUND: Nitroglycerine (GTN) is an organic nitrate that has been used for more than 100 years. Despite its widespread clinical use, several aspects of the pharmacology of GTN remain elusive. In a recent study, the authors of the present study showed that GTN causes opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) and mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). OBJECTIVE: In the present study, it was tested whether GTNinduced ROS production depends on mitochondrial potassium ATPdependent channel or mPTP opening, and/or GTN biotransformation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Isolated rat heart mitochondria were incubated with succinate (a substrate for complex II) and GTN, causing immediate ROS production, as manifested by chemiluminescence. This ROS production was prevented by concomitant vitamin C incubation. Conversely, inhibitors of potassium ATP-dependent channels, mPTP opening or of GTN biotransformation did not modify ROS production. CONCLUSIONS: GTN triggers mitochondrial ROS production independently of the opening of mitochondrial channels and/or of GTN biotransformation. The present data, coupled with previous evidence published by the same authors that GTN causes opening of mPTPs, provide further evidence on the pharmacology of GTN. It is proposed that GTN causes direct uncoupling of the respiratory chain, which determines ROS production and subsequent mPTP opening. The clinical implications of these findings are also discussed.