Groundwater in Egypt plays an important role in the country's water budget. South Western desert represent an arid of desert biome within world's net-work of the biosphere reserves. In this study, the plant wild vegetation were surveyed in Abu Tartur mining area located in the Southern part of Western depending essentially on the seepage from water line tubes which supplies water demands at Abu Tartur. The vegetation-environment relationships in Abu Tartur are described. Data sets (42 species in 38 plots) beside the pip-line enriched from 13 wells were analyzed, using multivariate procedures, i.e., two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and detrended canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), to produce a classification of plant communities in the studied areas and to examine the relationships of that plant communities to certain edaphic factors. Five plant communities were identified.
Astragalus vogelii, Chenopodium murale, Citrullus colocynthis, Fagonia arabica, Farsetia aegyptia, Hyoscyamus muticus, Morettia philaeana, Cynodon dactylon, Trichodesma africana, Tamarix nilotica, Senna italica, Schouwia purpurea, Salsola volkensii andPhragmites australis were common in the study area. Phytochemical survey for nitroprpionic compounds in some taxa belonging to Fabaceae family showed the absence of these toxic compounds by using GC/MS analysis. Also some phytochemical components of Astragalus vogalii were extracted and identified by GC/MS spectra. A biological activity, in this regard was the screening of methanol extracts for some wild taxa of Abu Tartur against natural Tetranychus urticae as acricidal activity and the methanol extracts of some taxa give high mortality results, like Farsetia aegyptia (86.6%) and Fagonia arabica Burm. f. (70.0%).