12Determining how microtubules (MTs) are nucleated is essential for understanding how the 13 cytoskeleton assembles. Yet, half a century after the discovery of MTs and ab-tubulin subunits 14 and decades after the identification of the γ-tubulin ring complex (γ-TuRC) as the universal MT 15 nucleator, the underlying mechanism largely remains a mystery. Using single molecule studies, 16we uncover that γ-TuRC nucleates a MT more efficiently than spontaneous assembly. The laterally 17 interacting array of γ-tubulins on γ-TuRC facilitates the lateral association of αβ-tubulins, while 18 longitudinal affinity between γ/αβ-tubulin is surprisingly weak. During nucleation, 3-4 αβ-tubulin 19 dimers bind stochastically to γ-TuRC on average until two of them create a lateral contact and 20 overcome the nucleation barrier. Although γ-TuRC defines the nucleus, XMAP215 significantly 21 increases reaction efficiency by facilitating ab-tubulin incorporation. In sum, we elucidate how 22 MT initiation occurs from γ-TuRC and determine how it is regulated. 23Results 49 50
Reconstituting and visualizing microtubule nucleation from γ-TuRC 51To study how γ-TuRC nucleates MTs (Fig. 1A), we purified endogenous γ-TuRC from Xenopus 52 egg extracts and biotinylated the complexes to immobilize them on functionalized glass ( Fig. S1A-53 C). Upon perfusing fluorescent αβ-tubulin, we visualized MT nucleation live with total internal 54 reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM). Strikingly, MT nucleation events occurred 55 specifically from single γ-TuRC molecules ( Fig. 1B; Fig. S1D and Movie S1-2). Kymographs 56 revealed that attached γ-TuRC assembled ab-tubulin into a MT de novo starting from zero length 57 within the diffraction limit of light microscopy (Fig. 1C), ruling out an alternative model where 58MTs first spontaneously nucleate and then become stabilized via γ-TuRC. By observing the 59 fiduciary marks on the MT lattice ( Fig. 1C) and generating polarity-marked MTs from attached g-60 TuRC (Fig. S1E), we showed that γ-TuRC caps the MT minus-end, while only the plus-end 61 polymerizes. Altogether, our results show that γ-TuRC directly nucleates MTs. 62 63
Defining the microtubule nucleus on γ-TuRC 64To determine how γ-TuRC nucleates MTs, we measured the kinetics of MT nucleation for a 65 constant density of γ-TuRC and increasing αβ-tubulin concentration ( Fig. 1D and Movie S3). 66 Surprisingly, γ-TuRC nucleated MTs starting from 7 µM tubulin (Fig. 1D), which is higher than 67 the minimum tubulin concentration (C*) needed for growth at pre-formed MT plus-ends (C* = 1.4 68 µM, Fig. 1E). Furthermore, the number of MTs nucleated from γ-TuRC increased non-linearly 69 with tubulin concentration as opposed to the linear increase in MT's growth-speed with tubulin 70 concentration (Fig. 1E). By measuring the number of MTs nucleated over time with varying ab-71 interferometry, we compared the interaction of ab-tubulin dimers with themselves versus with g-118 tubulin. Specific interactions between probe-bound αβ-tubulin and increasing concentratio...