Abstract. The analysis by proton-decoupled carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of samples dissolved in solvents presenting strong multiple resonances can be facilitated by the suppression of these resonances by multi–site presaturation. The advantage drawn from this operation is the elimination of the possible artifacts that arise from the solvent signals in non–optimized decoupling conditions. Solvent presaturation was implemented on glycerol, 1,2–propanediol, 1,3–propanediol, 1,2–butanediol, 1,3–butanediol with at least 94 % on–resonance efficiency and a bandwidth of less 5 than 50 Hz measured at 50 % signal intensity decrease. The experimental measurement of the signal suppression bandwidth leads to unexpected selectivity profiles for frequency close resonances. Computer resolution of the Bloch equations during multi–site presaturation provide an insight into the origin of the observed profile perturbations.