We present a detailed discussion of the crossover from mean-field to Ising critical behavior upon approach of the critical point, both for 3 He and Xe. By combining different sets of experimental data, we are able to cover an unusually large temperature range on either side of the critical temperature Tc. Below Tc, we thus can make an accurate comparison with a recent calculation for the crossover of the coexistence curve. For the regime above Tc, an analysis of the compressibility demonstrates that the crossover regime in 3 He is unexpectedly widened by a subtle interplay between quantum and critical fluctuations. 64.60.Fr, 05.70.Jk, 67.55.Cx Recently, there has been a renewed interest in the nature of the crossover from mean-field-like ("classical") to Isinglike critical behavior that occurs upon approach of the critical point. Although this phenomenon can be observed in a wide variety of experimental systems, including simple fluids, micellar solutions, and polymer mixtures, much of the recent attention has focused on its theoretical description. An important reason for this lack of experimental data is the width of the crossover region, which extends over several decades in the reduced temperature t ≡ (T − T c )/T c , where T c is the critical temperature. The crossover depends on the ratio between t and the (system-dependent) Ginzburg number G: Ising critical behavior occurs for t ≪ G and mean-field critical behavior is expected for t ≫ G. Throughout the crossover region, however, one has to stay within the critical regime, i.e., t 0.1. Hence, the full crossover can be observed only if G is sufficiently small. On the other hand, if G is extremely small, as for conventional superconductors which have G ≈ 10 −16 , the nonclassical region is so narrow that it becomes impossible to observe. Ideally, thus, one would need a system with a tunable Ginzburg number, as can actually be realized in polymer mixtures, where the Ginzburg number is inversely proportional to the molecular weight. Measurements of the crossover have indeed been reported for such systems [1,2], essentially confirming the existence of a crossover between the two universality classes. However, few studies have actually addressed the shape of the crossover curves. In Ref.[2] the concentration susceptibility χ as a function of t/G was shown to be well described by a phenomenological crossover function obtained by Belyakov and Kiselev (BK) [3], but it must be pointed out that χ increases by more than five orders of magnitude in the crossover region, making it difficult to judge even the qualitative agreement from a logarithmic plot. The effective susceptibility exponent, which is defined as the logarithmic derivative of χ,, is clearly a much more sensitive quantity. However, very few papers [5,6] have endeavored to discuss the shape of the crossover in experimental systems in terms of this parameter.It is the objective of this work to present an alternative description of experimental data exhibiting (part of) the crossover between mean-field-li...