Down-regulation of the gene encoding 4-coumarate 3-hydroxylase (C3H) in alfalfa massively but predictably increased the proportion of p-hydroxyphenyl (P) units relative to the normally dominant guaiacyl (G) and syringyl (S) units. Stem levels of up to ϳ65% P (from wild-type levels of ϳ1%) resulting from down-regulation of C3H were measured by traditional degradative analyses as well as two-dimensional 13 C-1 H correlative NMR methods. Such levels put these transgenics well beyond the P:G:S compositional bounds of normal plants; p-hydroxyphenyl levels are reported to reach a maximum of 30% in gymnosperm severe compression wood zones but are limited to a few percent in dicots. NMR also revealed structural differences in the interunit linkage distribution that characterizes a lignin polymer. Lower levels of key -aryl ether units were relatively augmented by higher levels of phenylcoumarans and resinols. The C3H-deficient alfalfa lignins were devoid of -1 coupling products, highlighting the significant differences in the reaction course for p-coumaryl alcohol versus the two normally dominant monolignols, coniferyl and sinapyl alcohols. A larger range of dibenzodioxocin structures was evident in conjunction with an approximate doubling of their proportion. The nature of each of the structural units was revealed by long range 13 C-1 H correlation experiments. For example, although -ethers resulted from the coupling of all three monolignols with the growing polymer, phenylcoumarans were formed almost solely from coupling reactions involving p-coumaryl alcohol; they resulted from both coniferyl and sinapyl alcohol in the wild-type plants. Such structural differences form a basis for explaining differences in digestibility and pulping performance of C3H-deficient plants.The effects on lignin structure of perturbing one crucial step in the monolignol biosynthetic pathway remain to be addressed. Genes encoding all of the enzymes in Fig. 1 have been identified, and the effects of perturbing (by down-and/or up-regulation in transgenic plants or via their knockouts in mutants) all but the p-coumarate 3-hydroxylase (C3H) 2 /hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HCT) steps have been studied in some detail, as reviewed in Refs. 1-3. Down-regulation of some genes, particularly those early in the pathway, may limit the overall flux of metabolites into lignin. In other cases, the distribution of units resulting from the primary monomers (the three monolignols p-coumaryl 1a, coniferyl 1b, and sinapyl 1c alcohols, differing in their degree of methoxylation; Fig. 1) may be dramatically altered, sometimes far beyond the limits that have been observed in nature. In some intriguing cases, lignification appears to be able to accommodate phenolics (e.g. 5-hydroxyconiferyl alcohol) that are not normally considered to be lignin monomers when the biosynthesis of the normal monolignols is thwarted (1, 3, 4). Such studies are not only providing rich insights into the lignification process, but are also opening up opportunities for improving the util...