The new aspects of crystal growth in solid 4 He at low temperatures are revealed by manipulating the crystal with a radiation pressure of acoustic waves. The acoustic radiation pressure is generally a tiny nonlinear effect, but it has given unexpected effect on the surface of 4 He owing to the markedly high growth rate of the crystal. Radiation pressure induces crystallization or melting. Owing to the strong temperature dependences of the growth rate of an atomically rough surface, which increases divergingly towards T ¼ 0, and the numerical value of the ratio of the sound velocities in both phases, the crystal melts at high temperatures when the sound wave is applied from the solid side, while it grows at low temperatures under the same conditions. We found a new type of growth mechanism of a c-facet driven by a strong radiation pressure. The growth rate of a c-facet was found to be much higher than the conventional screw-dislocation-mediated mechanism. Theoretical analysis that treated elementary steps as quantum mechanical quasi-particles reproduced the observed important feasures. The superflow around steps was taken into account as the kinetic energy of the steps. Finally, it was demonstrated that the use of radiation pressure enables the creation of negative crystals or superfluid bubbles in the crystal. Various interesting motions and shapes of the negative crystal were observed and interpreted using a simple model.