We construct a resummation at partial next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy for hadronic top-quark pair production near partonic threshold, including simultaneously soft-gluon and Coulomb corrections, and use this result to obtain approximate next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order predictions for the total top-quark pair-production cross section at the LHC. We generalize a required one-loop potential in non-relativistic QCD to the colour-octet case and estimate the remaining unknown two-loop potentials and three-loop anomalous dimensions. We obtain a moderate correction of 1.5% relative to the next-to-next-to-leading order prediction and observe a reduction of the perturbative uncertainty below ±5%.
arXiv:1801.05788v3 [hep-ph] 27 Aug 20181 This holds up to N 4 LO where the presence of a α 4 s /β 4 correction renders the convolution with the parton luminosity unintegrable, so resummation of Coulomb corrections may be required despite a small numerical effect.2 In the NNLL calculation of [15,18] these terms are included at fixed order.3 Here some care has to be taken since subleading terms in the x → 1 limit can be enhanced by the Coulomb corrections. In can be checked, however, that the leading correction to the N 3 LO cross section from the O(1 − x) term in (2.6) is of order α 3 s β 2 , and therefore beyond N 3 LL.