It is well know that, in the short maturity limit, the implied volatility approaches the integral harmonic mean of the local volatility with respect to log-strike, see [Berestycki et al., Asymptotics and calibration of local volatility models, Quantitative Finance, 2, 2002]. This paper is dedicated to a complementary model-free result: an arbitragefree implied volatility in fact is the harmonic mean of a positive function for any fixed maturity. We investigate the latter function, which is tightly linked to Fukasawa's invertible map f 1/2 [Fukasawa, The normalizing transformation of the implied volatility smile, Mathematical Finance, 22, 2012], and its relation with the local volatility surface. It turns out that the log-strike transformation z = f 1/2 (k) defines a new coordinate system in which the short-dated implied volatility approaches the arithmetic (as opposed to harmonic) mean of the local volatility. As an illustration, we consider the case of the SSVI parameterization: in this setting, we obtain an explicit formula for the volatility swap from options on realized variance.