In this paper, we study how to preserve entanglement and nonlocality under dephasing produced by classical noise with large low-frequency components, such as 1/f noise, using dynamical decoupling techniques. We first show that quantifiers of entanglement and nonlocality satisfy a closed relation valid for two independent qubits locally coupled to a generic environment under pure dephasing and starting from a general class of initial states. This result allows us to assess the efficiency of pulse-based dynamical decoupling for protecting nonlocal quantum correlations between two qubits subject to pure-dephasing local random telegraph and 1/f noise. We investigate the efficiency of an "entanglement memory" element under two-pulse echo and under sequences of periodic, Carr-Purcell, and Uhrig dynamical decoupling. The Carr-Purcell sequence is shown to outperform the other sequences in preserving entanglement against both random telegraph and 1/f noise. For typical 1/f flux-noise figures in superconducting nanocircuits, we show that entanglement and its nonlocal features can be efficiently stored up to times one order of magnitude longer than natural entanglement disappearance times employing pulse timings of current experimental reach.