“…This is illustrated by Bongie's (1998) Rankin (2016), Pugh (2016a) and Pugh and Grove's (2017) focus upon 'archipelagic assemblages'; Sheller's (2000Sheller's ( , 2007 work on archipelagic 'mobilities'; Dening (2007), King (2007) and Connell's (2018) work on migration and islanders; Crane and Fletcher's (2017) focus upon archipelagic thinking in island literatures; Loughran's (2019) on archipelagic education; and Roberts and Stephens (2017) foregrounding of the archipelagic nature of the Americas. There are many, many others besides who foreground islands as relational spaces (Stratford, 2003;Steinberg, 2005;Hay, 2006Hay, , 2013Papoutsaki and Harris, 2008;Clark and Tsai, 2009;Baldacchino and Royle, 2010;Alexander, 2016;Starc and Stubbs, 2014;Ronström, 2015;Benítez-Rojo, 2016;Kearns and Collins, 2016;Bremner, 2016;Hong, 2017;Graziadei et al, 2017;Murray, 2018;Vale, 2018;Evans and Harris, 2018;Carter, 2018;Nimführ and Sesay, 2019;Davis, 2020;Isaacs, 2020). For an excellent overview of a variety of recent approaches see Michelle Stephens and Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel's (2020) collection Contemporary Archipelagic Thinking.…”