Abstract. Valiant's famous determinant versus permanent problem is the flagship problem in algebraic complexity theory. Mulmuley and Sohoni (Siam J Comput 2001, 2008) introduced geometric complexity theory, an approach to study this and related problems via algebraic geometry and representation theory. Their approach works by multiplying the permanent polynomial with a high power of a linear form (a process called padding) and then comparing the orbit closures of the determinant and the padded permanent. This padding was recently used heavily to show negative results for the method of shifted partial derivatives (Efremenko, Landsberg, Schenck, Weyman, 2016) and for geometric complexity theory (Ikenmeyer Panova, FOCS 2016 and Bürgisser, Ikenmeyer Panova, FOCS 2016), in which occurrence obstructions were ruled out to be able to prove superpolynomial complexity lower bounds. Following a classical homogenization result of Nisan (STOC 1991) we replace the determinant in geometric complexity theory with the trace of a symbolic matrix power. This gives an equivalent but much cleaner homogeneous formulation of geometric complexity theory in which the padding is removed. This radically changes the representation theoretic questions involved to prove complexity lower bounds. We prove that in this homogeneous formulation there are no orbit occurrence obstructions that prove even superlinear lower bounds on the complexity of the permanent.Interestingly-in contrast to the determinant-the trace of a symbolic matrix power is not uniquely determined by its stabilizer.
Statement of the resultLet per m := σ∈Sm m i=1 X i,σ(i) denote the m × m permanent polynomial and let Pow m n := tr(X m ) denote the trace of the mth power of an n×n matrix X = (X i,j ) of variables. The coordinate rings of the orbits and orbit closures C[GL n 2 Pow m n ] and C[GL n 2 per m ] are GL n 2 -representations. Let λ be an isomorphism type of an irreducible GL n 2 -representation. In this paper we prove that if n ≥ m+2 ≥ 12 and λ occurs in C[GL n 2 per m ], then λ also occurs in C[GL n 2 Pow m n ], see Theorem 2.12 below.
IntroductionValiant's famous determinant versus permanent problem is a major open problem in computational complexity theory. It can be stated as follows, see Conjecture 2.1: For a polynomial p in any number of variables let the determinantal complexity dc(p) denote the smallest n ∈ N such that p can be written as the determinant p = det(A) of an n × n matrix A whose entries are affine linear forms in the variables.Throughout the paper we fix our ground field to be the complex numbers C. The permanent is of interest in combinatorics and theoretical physics, but our main interest stems from the fact that it is complete for the complexity class VNP (although the arguments in this paper remain valid if the permanent is replaced by any other VNP-complete function, mutatis mutandis). Valiant famously posed the following conjecture. For n > m define the padded permanent per n m := (X n,n ) n−m per m , which is homogeneous of degree n in m ...