SILVA, M.R., FUGI, R., CARNIATTO, N., GANASSIN, M.J.M. Importance of allochthonous resources in the diet of Astyanax aff. fasciatus (Osteichthyes: Characidae) in streams: a longitudinal approach. The aim of this investigation was to respond the following question: is the consumption of allochthonous resources by Astyanax aff. fasciatus influenced by the longitudinal gradient in streams? To respond this question we sampled fish in the headwater, middle and mouth stretches of four streams (Upper Paraná River basin). Samplings were carried out from July 2007 to June 2008 using electrical fishing. Fish were identified, measured and their stomach contents identified and quantified. Spatial variations (among longitudinal stretches) in the diet were summarized using a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). Spatial differences in the diet were tested with a multiresponse permutation procedure (MRPP). Allochthonous resources had the highest percentage of the A. aff. fasciatus diet in all stretches; however, the increased importance of autochthonous resources in the fish diet in the stream mouths made these stretches to differ significantly from the middle and headwater ones. The ordination analysis separated the fish diet sampled in the stream mouth from the diet of most fish samples in the headwater and middle stretches. The results highlight the importance of allochthonous resources, mainly insects, in the diet of A. aff. fasciatus. However, the diet was affected by longitudinal gradient and followed the pattern described for these ecosystems, where fish depend basically of allochthonous material in the headwaters and the importance of these resources decrease along the longitudinal gradient. Keywords: Fish, feeding resources, terrestrial subsidies, Pirapó River, Paraná River.SILVA, M.R., FUGI, R., CARNIATTO, N., GANASSIN, M.J.M. Importância dos recursos alóctones na dieta de Astyanax aff. fasciatus (Osteichthyes: Characidae) em riachos: uma abordagem longitudinal. O objetivo deste estudo foi responder a seguinte pergunta: o consumo de recursos aló ctones por Astyanax aff. fasciatus é influenciado pelo gradiente longitudinal dos riachos? Para responder esta questã o, foram amostrados peixes na cabeceira, no meio e na foz de quatro riachos (bacia do alto Rio Paraná ). As amostragens foram realizadas entre julho/2007 e junho/2008, utilizando-se pesca elétrica. Os peixes foram identificados, medidos e seus conteú dos estomacais identificados e quantificados. Variaçõ es espaciais (entre os trechos) na dieta foram sumarizadas através da aná lise de ordenaçã o de coordenadas principais (PCoA). Diferenças espaciais na dieta foram testadas através do procedimento de permutação de multiresposta (MRPP). Recursos alimentares aló ctones compuseram a maior parcela da dieta de A. aff. fasciatus em todos os trechos, porém, na foz dos riachos a dieta diferiu significativamente do meio e da cabeceira, sendo esta diferença causada p...