Blood pressure (BP) variations depend on various internal, environmental, and behavioral factors. BP fluctuations occur both in normotensive and hypertensive people. Although it fluctuates over the 24-hr day and night, the morning BP increases after waking up and declines throughout sleep. It is typical for BP to decrease by 10% to 20%, while sleeping, known as dipping BP. However, if there is no decrease in nighttime mean systolic BP or a drop of less than 10 mmHg, it is called nondipping BP. Conversely, reverse dipping BP means an increase in mean systolic BP instead of a drop during the night. Reverse dipping is observed in hypertension (HTN), diabetes mellitus (DM), chronic kidney disease (CKD), and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome. The introduction of ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) led to the emergence of identifying normal and elevated BP patterns. Non-dipping BP increases the risk of cardiovascular system (CVS) complications such as left ventricular hypertrophy, proteinuria, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) reduction, and CKD progression. A loss or blunting of the normal BP profile is recognized as a deleterious variant, and restoring abnormal BP patterns has been reported to significantly impact end-organ damage, morbidity, and mortality.
In this non-systematic clinically-oriented, comprehensive review, we aim to update the BP variables and the pathophysiology of nondipping BP and point out the areas which need more investigation from a nephrology perspective because the nondipping BP increases the risk of proteinuria, GFR reduction, and CKD progression. A literature search of PubMed, Google, EMBASE, and Google Scholar was conducted. Checks of selected papers and relevant reviews complemented the electronic search.
With improved BP measurement methods, the physiology of BP profile variations is readily detectable during the day and night. A nondipping BP profile is a distinct BP pattern that may have significant end-organ damage effects and therapeutic importance for nephrologists.
The pathophysiology of the nondipping BP variant must be clarified to prevent complications, and further investigations are required. Furthermore, there is debate about the best BP index to utilize: systolic BP, diastolic BP, mean arterial pressure, or a mixture of all. All these areas are important and need new research projects.