The solution of the corrosion problems in an electric arc furnace, like in most of the metallurgical reactors, has left overcoming through the repetition of trial and error tests. The basic knowledge of corrosion mechanisms is still very limited and does not allow to structure a specific analysis for each problem and thus to obtain qualitative and quantitative answers to scientific, technical and industrial problems. [1][2][3] The Nodal Wear Model NWM, has the objective to systematize a new line of knowledge and work in the corrosion of the refractory and ceramic materials in contact with corrosive fluids (metals, mattes and slags). Although the NWM has been initially developed in the study of corrosion profiles in a blast furnace, [4][5][6] it constitutes in itself a new tool for the knowledge of mechanisms involved in the wear of materials and provides an appropriate way to solve all those similar problems that the Pyrometallurgical Processes outlines to the modern Materials Science.The last years have shown a strong increase in the demand of ferritics products with very low carbon content. The ferroalloys that are needed to carry out the corresponding chemical adjustment in the secondary metallurgy have lower and lower carbon content specifications.The classical procedure for the fabrication of low carbon ferromanganese is shown in Fig. 1. In a first step, the manganese oxide from the feed (pirolusite, MnO 2 ) is reduced by a carbothermic reduction in an electric arc furnace. The ISIJ International, Vol. 43 (2003), No. 2, © September 28, 2002 ) There are many alternatives for the refractory lining in the sole of an electric arc furnace that produces refined ferromanganese, Fe-Mn (80 % with low carbon content, %CϽ1.5). Empiric approaches have usually been used for the design. Even though they allowed increasing the number of tapping, they are not base in a quantitative prediction of the wearing from the knowledge of a corrosion mechanism.This paper presents a quantitative prediction for the corrosion processes in two basic soles using the mathematical formulation of the Nodal Wear Model (NWM). In both cases, the equations that describe the corrosion are established and applied, according to the control mechanism of the corrosion, in each node of a Finite Element Model (FEM) grid of the refractory lining is in contact interface with the liquid ferroalloy.When the sole formed by a magnesite castable refractory (with a minimum content of 95% periclase), the penetration of the molten phase through the open porosity of the refractory controls the corrosion. In the case of a dolomitic sole (75 % MgO, 20 % CaO, 0.60 % SiO 2 , 3.80 % Fe 2 O 3 , Al 2 O 3 ϭ0.30 %), the corrosion rate is controlled by the diffusion of silicon, one of the active components of the refractory matrix, from each interfacial node in the sole to the molten phase.KEY WORDS: wearing; electric arc furnace; ferromanganese; mathematical modeling. molten alloy produced has about mass 75 % of Mn, and the carbon can reach up to 4 %.To reduce the ca...