We report the observation of multigap superconductivity in TaRh 2 B 2 . We show TaRh 2 B 2 is a bulk type-II superconductor with a transition temperature T c = 6.00(5) K. We present transverse-field muon spin relaxation data where the superconducting gap can be fit using a two-gap (s + s)-wave model. We also report the zero-field electronic specific heat in the superconducting state that is best described by the same (s + s) model, providing further evidence of multiband behavior in this superconductor. Zero-field muon spin relaxation measurements show time-reversal symmetry is preserved in the superconducting state. We demonstrate that TaRh 2 B 2 has an upper critical field of 15.2(1) T, which is significantly higher than previously reported and exceeds the Pauli limit.