The superconducting gap is a pivotal character for a superconductor. While the cuprates and conventional phonon-mediated superconductors are characterized by distinct d-wave and s-wave pairing symmetry with nodal and nodeless gap distribution respectively, the superconducting gap distributions in iron-based superconductors are rather diversified. While nodeless gap distributions have been directly observed in Ba 1−x K x Fe 2 As 2 , BaFe 2−x Co x As 2 , K x Fe 2−y Se 2 , and FeTe 1−x Se x [1-4], the signatures of nodal superconducting gap have been reported in LaOFeP, LiFeP, KFe 2 As 2 , BaFe 2 (As 1−x P x ) 2 , BaFe 2−x Ru x As 2 and FeSe [5-12]. We here report the angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements on the superconducting gap structure of BaFe 2 (As 1−x P x ) 2 in the momentum space, and particularly, the first direct observation of a circular line node on the largest hole Fermi surface around the Z point at the Brillouin zone boundary. Our data rules out the d-wave pairing origin of the nodal gap, and unify both the nodal and nodeless gaps in iron pnictides under the s ± pairing symmetry.The pairing symmetry of the Cooper pair in a superconductor is manifested in its gap structure. Particularly, nodes or nodal lines of the superconducting gap often imply unconventional (e.g. non-s-wave) pairing symmetries. For most ironbased superconductors, there are electron Fermi surfaces at the Brillouin zone corner and hole Fermi surfaces at the center. It has been proposed that the pairing interactions between the electron and hole Fermi surfaces will induce nodeless s-wave order parameter with opposite signs on them [13][14][15]. While this nodeless s ± -wave pairing symmetry has gained increasing experimental support [16][17][18], nodal gap has been reported in LaOFeP, LiFeP, KFe 2 As 2 , BaFe 2 (As 1−x P x ) 2 , BaFe 2−x Ru x As 2 , and FeSe by thermal conductivity, penetration depth, nuclear magnetic resonance, and scanning tunneling spectroscopy studies [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. However, no direct measurement on any of these compounds has been reported regarding the gap structure so far, and especially the location of the nodes remains unknown. Since BaFe 2 (As 1−x P x ) 2 has relatively high superconducting transition temperature T c , it provides an opportunity for direct access of the detailed gap structure in the momentum space by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES).We have conducted ARPES measurements on BaFe 2 (As 0.7 P 0.3 ) 2 with a T c of 30 K (see Method section for details). As previous detailed polarization dependent studies have shown [19] and replicated here in Fig. 1a, there * Electronic address: