The attenuation provided by TDH earphones in MX-41/AR and P/N 51 cushions, Audiocup earphone enclosures and ER3A insert earphones with ER3-14 foam earplugs was determined for 30 normally hearing subjects using a real-ear attenuation at threshold paradigm. The MX-41/AR and P/N 51 cushions provided about the same amount of attenuation which was less than the attenuation provided by the Audiocup enclosures. The ER-3A/ER3-14 provided the highest amount of attenuation. The MX-41 /AR and ER-3A/ER3-14 attenuation values were in agreement with other studies using similar methodology. However, the attenuation provided by the Audiocup enclosures was considerably less, in the lower frequencies, than reported in two other studies. ANSI S3.1-1977 supra-aural earphone cushion attenuation values, which were determined using pure-tones presented in a free-field, should be replaced by earphone cushion attenuation values determined with 1 / 3 octave bands of noise presented in a diffuse sound field.